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Actionable reporting

In 2023 I was lucky to have an opportunity to work on a project I found very interesting. While challenging, as the problem had multiple layers of complexity, it was also very rewarding in the end as I managed to combine solutions into a unified concept.

For better understanding of the concept, this project was designed for SaaS ecommerce Logistics company, byrd technologies. 

Communication flow
Company as a middleman in communication

Problem statement

Allow me to be honest about this one and say… when I tried to write a simple problem statement it turned out to be an understatement. Why? Fair question, but also a bit ironic, because every problem statement I established was leading me to the next “why?”.

  1. Customer satisfaction is very low. …why?
  2. Customer Support team is quite slow in response. … why?
  3. CS team is swarmed with tickets as there is simply too many raised issues … why?

You see the pattern here. The problem statement was a rabbit hole, but It was clear where to start. Customers (shop owners) were unhappy with the frequent shipment processing delays by the Warehouses. Since they had no direct communication with the warehouses, all they could do was raising a support ticket. 

The business model of the company would not comply with direct communication channels, but even if it would be the case, it would still not solve the root cause of the problem. 

User Research

The conducted user research focused on the following core questions:

  1. What are the most frequent types of issues occurring?
    Checking for patterns. (volume)
  2. What are the implications of each type?
    Severity, urgency, priority. (value)
  3. Who is affected?
    Who are the stakeholders?
  4. What’s causing those issues?
    How can we prevent or reduce them?

Key Insights

After the research findings refinement, I was able to detect some repeating patterns and identify user needs as two major types.

1. Notifications

Urgent & Frequent prompts

  • Need for:
    Quick communication and fast response time between user and support.
  • Purpose:
    Shortening stoppage time.
  • KPI:
    Average issue resolution time.
2. Suggestions

Timely announcements

  • Need for:
    Better vision of incoming potential issues with clear CTA.
  • Purpose:
    Preventing future issues.
  • KPI:
    Number of issues over time.


The second needs category, named suggestions, strongly resonated with another design initiative. Previous data analysis proved that the existing Dashboard page, which was also the starting page after login, was used only as a transition. There was a large UI area without interaction as the served content was not meeting user’s needs.

Dashboard page heatmap
Dashboard page interaction heatmap

Design Concept

Addressing the needs of two different natures, the design unified two-pronged solutions into one homogenous concept. 

A: Notifications
as urgent and frequent prompts accessible from any page.

B: Suggestions
as timely and persistent helpers intended to prevent future issues.

Dashboard page wireframe

High fidelity designs

Embedded design artboards depict 3 common states of the newly designed dashboard page:

  1. Notifications and Suggestions active
  2. Notifications expanded
  3. Suggestions addressed

For the best viewing experience, you can use the full-screen button in the top-right corner of the preview area.

Monitoring performance

The last phase in this design project is monitoring the performance of implemented design solutions. As stated above, each solution category has different KPIs.

Notifications KPI

Performance tracking:
Average issue resolution time.

Suggestions KPI

Performance tracking:
Number of issues over time.